“AVTOSHEM” LLC started its activity in 1996, but not under its current name. The company was officially renamed and founded in 2006 and has been in the Armenian market for over 20 years, importing and selling tyres, wheels, batteries, car mats and other accessories.
“AVTOSHEM” LLC is the exclusive representative of Pirelli tyre Russia, the dealer of Belshina (Belarus), official representative of Triangle (China), Mazzini (China), Ovation (China), Hifly (China), Farroad (China), Opals (China), Giti (Indonesia), Accelera (Indonesia), Salsons (Indonesia), Zubr (Belarus), Elab (Russia) and other world-known brands, and also the representative of ZAP Sznajder Batterien S.A (Poland).
The company’s 10 branches offer a wide range of products to choose from, with the help of highly qualified experts.
All “AVTOSHEM” managers have passed the relevant courses in the Russian Federation and gained high professionalism.
The company has also solved the problem of making purchases on credit. Credit for the purchase of goods is arranged on the spot, which enables the customer to make a quick and profitable transaction.
High-quality service and availability of assortment are the main principles of our work organisation, and consumer satisfaction is our main task.
Thanks to many years of work, in 2010 “AVTOSHEM” LLC was awarded a Gold Medal at the Armenia EXPO for ensuring high quality in the market. In 2017, Belinvesttorg of Belarus awarded the Gold Star for efficient cooperation.
“AVTOSHEM” LLC always strives to provide its customers with only the best services and goods, so it is constantly improving its technology and working methods.
The number of branches, the services provided and the quality of service increase every year.
The aim of our company is to constantly improve itself in the field in which it develops its activities.